Ron and Jack,

Fist off I want to thank Jack for taking the time to study this and bring a fresh look into the topic. Sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees and it takes a different approach from a new direction.

Ron, thanks for keeping an open mind.

I looked at my knives of this era and can say that I have over 50 that would fall into the pattern that Jack and Ron suggest. I like to word it differently though: "R" for Randall on top of the sheath versus "R" on the bottom of the sheath. I always liked Heiser's work better than Johnson so "R" on top for Heiser.

I have a few of those sample sheaths in the first photos: Same person, same red lettering.

My pictures are too big so I will do this in a few posts:

Z41A1162.JPG (701 downloads)
Z41A1163.JPG (480 downloads)
Z41A1164.JPG (540 downloads)