That is fine Joe. You're perfectly free to believe whatever your assumptions are. But you have not addressed the key findings of the orientation of the stamp and the presence of model numbers, much less shown other alleged Johnsons with a center snap keeper etc.

Why would Johnson make sheaths with the stamp facing west with model numbers and center snap etc., then suddenly change, and begin stamping all his sheaths with the stamp facing east and omit the model numbers? Answer.. unlikely, and the data of hundreds of sheath examples supports the position that he did not do that weird thing.

I've posted a ton of backup data for this position and many others have added a lot of weight and examples. Thus far, you have posted only an opinion, with no backup or examples. You've taken one sheath, thrown out some strange characteristics and declared them to be "Johnson." That is not science nor an investigation nor a presentation of a thesis. Nor in my opinion does it add much to the knowledge base.

But this is America, you can hold your position though I don't quite know what it is other than "ask Joe if it is a Johnson." In any case, I suspect it is going to get pretty lonely out on that desert island with all those Heiser-look-alike Randall stamped Johnson sheaths. Regards.

By the way... any interest in a certain unusual feature of early Johnson stitching I mentioned before? Oh, nevermind...

Edited by Jacknola (01/15/15 10:58 PM)
Jack Williams