"I thought I was out and and then they pull me back in"

I wanted to move on to the sheaths but......................................

Originally Posted By: Jacknola

The contrary assumption that Johnson made those Randall-stamped, Heiser look-alike sheaths, long before he was known to be making sheaths, is the fanciful argument. Oddly, there was never a formal case made for that amazing assumption, never in time, ever. But if you would like to make such a case, publish analogs, offer proof, or even a decent, logical argument that Johnson made all those sheaths in 1959-60-61, I'll be glad to consider it.

Jack, for a guy that espouses his investigative and research skills to be unsurpassed, apparently you were less than successful in your attempt at the Evelyn Wood speed reading course!

The underlined portion in your post above where you again are somewhat trite in your response to a members post, has been covered in this thread at least two times. For those that missed it, here it is again:


Originally Posted By: Jacknola
Unfortunately, I think I detect hyper-inflation on the horizon of the world of "authenticating."

The only thing hyper-inflated here Jack is your ego. Did you get picked on as a kid?