Originally Posted By: crutchtip
I geneally don't store vintage stones in the pouch unless I wrap them in plastic wrap. The often get gobbed up with verdigris if they haven't already.

Not trying to take the thread off track, but this statement came at a most appropriate time. I knew that Tunefink wrapped his stones in saran wrap, and I was getting ready to do the same with mine. Are you saying Joe, the newer stones don't develop the verdigris as bad as the older stones?

I'd like to see this thread continue. There was so much good information brought forth by all parties in the original thread. It has made me look at the way I see these knives much more carefully.

Chief made a comment on the original thread that he didn't look at the knives he was interested in the way some of you do. (Or, something to that effect). Well, I could relate to what he said very easily, because that was me too.

Threads such as these will help those of us interested in learning more about what we love. I'm thanking everybody here that has taken their time and energy to post the information they felt was relevant to the subject. Disagreements are bound to come forth, it's only human nature.