The show was awesome, to include selling, trading and signing up new club members (even "International" ones!). Thanks to all who stopped by. Thanks to all who called, emailed, pm'd and phoned, resulting in about 85 RMKs sold out of my "STASH"!!
Thanks also to James, Bill and Mike for helping out. Also to our guest star (un-announced) Dennis who drove a 1400 mile (round trip) path to come see us! I appreciate you guys. Unfortunately, TK ("Froggy" on this forum) was under the weather and we didn't get to see him this weekend.
As a result of the huge response to my long-awaited "Grip-loosening" of some of The Captain's "STASH", I am going to amend my website to include a separate designated section, showcasing items from my stash. It is the only way to offer many an equal chance to dig into the treasure chest and carry on home a piece...(or "2") of their very own.
I am also working on some artwork, to be included as a form of "COA" with each of my pieces. I posted up on this forum that I was going to pull about 30 pieces from my "stash" to take to the show. "All" were sold, prior to the show! I pulled 30 more and "all" were sold prior to the show! I pulled 60 more and less than 50 actually made it to the show! By creating a designated area on my website for some of this 'ol stuff (& newer as well) I hope to share with the knife community some of my treasures, obtained over the past 50 years.
Thanks for your continued support of Randall Made Knives and of "what I do"! be continued...
Stay sharp, Capt. Chris

------Cap's #7-4 (FG) stag handle.jpg

------Captain Chris' #11-3 Amber STG-B.JPG

------Captain Chris' Stash-#11-4-GRN CANVAS-A.JPG

------Captain's #6 pair-B.JPG

Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member