I had a GREAT Blade Show.

1. I had bought a Low S 5 before Blade, but only picked it up at Blade.
2. I bought another 5 off the Internet. When I got it at Blade, it was not a 5!!. But I traded it for a 5-7” made in 1953. I know this, as the knife has provenance
3. I bought a 5-8 from the Cap, with small sawteeth. It did not have the correct sheath.

Thanks to my good friend Mitchell, I got the superb 1953, 5-7”,with provenance from the original owner. The original Heiser sheath that looks like it just came from Heiser.

Mitchell also sold me the RBJ, for the 5-8”.

Seeing friends, great knives and having a wonderful time more than makes up for the 2500 mile round trip.

My display
Low S 5
5-8 with small sawteeth





Edited by rodbrown (06/06/18 10:54 AM)
Rod Brown
RKS 3846
Whether you think you can or can not, you are right.