When I started the post, I did not intend to get into a big debate about it. I just liked his show.

But since it got started, I'll share a story.

About 25 years ago, a friend of mine was returning home from visiting family one Sunday night. A drunk driver crossed over into his lane and hit him head on killing his wife and two little boys.

He spent a month in ICU and nearly died several times. He had a terrible spine injury and compound fractures in both femurs in addition to several other injuries.

He had intense pain that required high doses of medication for at least a year resulting in an addiction.

He couldn't work and lost everything he had. He also blamed himself for the wreck saying that if he had been paying better attention, he could have swerved and missed the drunk driver.

I remember him telling me that without medication, his lower body felt like it was on fire and he would moan in pain. When he took his medication, he would cry over his wife and boys and could never get it through his mind that it was not his fault.

Anyhow, he couldn't work and he moved away. He never could get over his addiction to pain medication or the self imposed guilt. He shot himself a couple years later.

I would have never thought he would do that but I have pined over not being a better friend and maybe helping somehow. I guess that his physical pain and the mental anguish were just too much for a person to bear.

I'd like to say that I wouldn't have done it but I have never had to endure something like that.
"Filet that fish? Hell naw! I'll scale him, gut him, fry him up in grease, take him by the head and tail, and play him like a French Harp!" - Uncle Paul sometime in the 60s.