It's like an adjustable wrench vs a tight 6 point socket. When you use a tool that works better it makes a difference.

That said the 5-6 is definitely a silver medal in many categories and a gold in some. It's just that a nice Scandi can be hard to beat especially given it's size and weight.

The border patrol handle was the best thing I've ever found in a knife. The Randall sheaths are the best available. The bevel is very good it just doesn't bite like a Scandi but it's also more adept for other wilderness tasks. I have all hardwoods and when your working hardwood all day you need the sharpest bevel you can get you nearly need a cart of wood working tools.

In softer woods the 5-6 is equal or better being the handle is more comfortable. It's hard to explain without writing books on the subject and even then... I have read many of Bradford angiers books and I can tell he wanted to go into more detail but you can only go in so deep before you lose people.

Originally Posted By: Tom Vaught
I post rarely these days (as retired now and doing a lot of other things with my life besides playing with knives in the woods as a "USER" guy). That being said, I bought my brother-in-law a model 28 and he harvested a lot of deer in Michigan over the years with that knife. Never broke it either.

Nice thing about knives is you can collect them, use them, sell them, fish with them, or display them in your home.
No need to torture test a given knife and then bad-mouth the knife on the forum dedicated to that specific brand of knife.
I would have expected better from a hard core USER type guy, but that is just my opinion. Carry On.
Tom V.
I like #4s and #1 grinds