I ain't likely...to use a Dutch based financial institution!

It is bad enough taking risks with a CONUS company.

PayPal asked, when I logged in yesterday, that I provide a photo ID and my SSN!

While that might be a requirement under the banking laws, I don't trust them.

I sent the following email to them, waiting for any reply:

PayPal email
March 1, 2019
Sent to them:

You are asking for my SSN and a photo ID.

I see enough digital services getting hacked, or carelessly losing personal information, that I do not want to give any more specifics than are actually needed to conduct transactions.

When personal data is lost or stolen, the holder of that information merely informs people (sometimes months after the event), sometimes apologizes, but cannot in any way protect the individual from the misuse of their information.

Over-collection is endemic to the digital industry. Every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary collection in the interest of the private citizens' personal and financial security.
Larry W. Williams
RKCC #CM-041
ABKA #046
RKS #1246