Thanks Mitchell, that clears it up for those that weren't around back then.
Rick Bowles RKS #012
I don't see what there is to clear up.
It was Ron Mathews not Sheldon Wickersham that had the thread on the other forum. I started The Knife Of The Week thread with Ron and Sheldon's blessing on this forum.
VKLough 09/10/2010
It is quite clear that the Knife of the Week Thread was originally started on a totally different forum by Ron Mathews and was continued on this forum (with credit given to Ron) by Kevin Lough and continued even further by Jesse Egnew (Non-Catalog Knives & Dealer Specials) It is also a fact that the thread for each model (Models #1 thru #27) was initiated by Kevin Lough.
That all seems pretty clear. What is the confusion?
The Knife of the Week Thread is a fantastic resource and many members have contributed but Ron, Kevin and Jesse (and possibly others) kept it going through the years. That doesn't seem too confusing.