The 2 Randalls Above are the same material, Guess they look super Krappy Huh ?.
Yes, that stuff turns a real crappy butterscotch color......just as I remember. Thanks for showing that Ken. Just imagine purchasing a block of that "stuff" and being told (via the description and telephone) that it would be YELLOW. NO mention of Brown/Butterscotch that it would turn into within days of purchase. It was like watching mold grow on cheese.
Tony....I purchased from the same guy you did (I can tell from the photos you posted). Was also told by a very well respected, long-time Randall dealer that it was bad stuff. Ken, are you the guy? Inquiring minds want to know.
By the way, I received a PM from another gentleman who has had the same experience with this stuff. Caveat Emptor!!!!!
Ken, make sure you pay the forums the standard fee for selling your material.....or are you just "educating" some of us lunkheads?