ron, the construction of the little sheath you posted looks far more like the 1-8 sheath that started this discussion than the prototypical HKL sheath which is the tan one on the left that jack posted. From the frontal view, the ONLY real difference is snap placement which I asked you not to get hung up on by the way.
The stitching, Joe the stitching!
No matter. I've been doing some thinking (Yeah I know that's dangerous):
After agreeing on all the evidence a year and a half ago, why would Joe bring up a sheath that is
obviously a Heiser and attempt to make a case that's it's an early Johnson?
There's only
one scenario that makes sense because like I say you're a smart guy: Gary won't agree to let you authenticate a BB sheath with center keeper position and West facing logo as Heiser or HKL made and you are trying to pave the way to justify your certification that it's a Johnson sheath!
If that's the case, then I'm going to give you a pass and state this for Gary's benefit. If it is not the case, then I'm stating it for yours:
The market puts a premium on Heiser vs. Johnson sheaths. If a customer's authentication states "Johnson sheath" in these cases, then your going to be doing them a dis-service in terms of market value! Market value aside, the most important thing is the accuracy of Randall history!
So.......... the question is: Are you going to be authenticating
any BB sheaths with center keeper and West facing logos as HKL sheaths?