
In the previous Amoskeag auction I got a Shaw-Leibowitz "Lewis & Clark" commemorative etched/gold and copper plated blade Randall and an FWI tip Rick Bowles Special in addition to the Bearcamp. There were at least several altered Randall's including a hatchet that I avoided even though I was interested in them. By the way, I heard the winner of the hatchet took it to the Randall Shop and was told it had an altered handle.

The Fossil Walrus tip Bowles I won was incorrectly described as having a Juvenile Elephant tip. You really have to be careful as these auction companies usually have no clue in specialized areas such as old Randall's.

I also bid remotely via fax.


Edited by Jim459 (10/25/13 11:15 PM)
Jim Gates
RKS #5815