That is one cool looking knife ther is just somthing about pure white handles/scales that go me lately I have been trying to get me one of those Bark River knives with a white handle /scale only seen one so far that got me it is just a bit to expensive for my purse rite now hope one day to add a Bark River knife to my collection they really look like quality pieces no disrespect to our RANDALL MADE KNIVES but I do as we all probably digg others believe it or not I never even heard of a R.M.K. till the late nineties I was into folders only Buck Kershaw Gerber ....the usual suspects does anyone remember a flea market special (I call it)called a "007" wood scaled folder big ole huge thing it sold for 5 or ten bucks at the North Haven, Conn. flea market and other flea markets throughout Conn. in the seventies or so would like to have one again just for kicks....