The above three blade Hunter GAK/Safari is odd, I have others in the line (all others, actually), but no room in shot. Below are a few others of the discontinued GAK/Safari 108mm line. Top to bottom would be Pathfinder (favorite carry knife), Swiss Shark, canted Solo, and Trooper (red GAK in all respects except color).
The above silver alox is first year of no acceptance stamp on small scale blank and is a Wenger from '87....collectors are in disagreement over whether that signifies an issue knife using up last of old scale stock that year only, or if an otherwise military marked knife destined for civilian market. Wenger now dead and absorbed by Victorinox and knives dropped, and doubt anyone still around from Wenger who could point towards a definitive document either way. So, a mystery for all time, as far as I am concerned, no matter expert opinion either way, it only opinion.
The above all black SAK is oddball, note it uses same old "blankless" back scale as the military knives and early Pioneers, several hundred were made up when Victorinox closed out/liquidated all the old style scales circa 2011, so there will never be any such critter again, not unless they retool.
The above 1:100 all red faux old original SAK is from Swiss Bianco, but Victorinox is slamming the door on distributors ordering customs not easily discernable from Victorinox own limited runs, and is now requiring scale markings on top of blade markings for custom orders. Not really fair, as the custom orders mainly just replicated knives such as the original SAK which Victorinox had dropped.
Below is a trick alox Solo knife from Swiss distributor HR, which I use on kids and adults, leading in with, "my eyes are not what they used to be, this knife looks kinda purple to me.....are you sure it is green?....look again."
The below powder blue another Swiss Bianco faux SAK 1:100 limited runs.