A very good lady friend/colleague's father just passed.....was a WWII Veteran/Paratrooper and made several of the major jumps......Africa, Italy, D-Day behind lines day 1, Market Garden and others. Fought all the way home and was heading across the USA for Japan when they surrendered. Anyway, she's been overwhelmed with "clearing out a life-time of stuff" and asked me to help; unpacking old trunks (1 of many to go) and am getting into his "War stuff" just started and along with his Purple Hearts (2), silver stars(2), French medals, photos was this dagger. Fit tightly in the sheath and all has been packed up since 1948(at least)....laying on top of 1 (of many) of his own drawings, Vargas calendars, etc. Honestly felt evil to hold. Thought you guys might find of interest.
Edited by Duke (09/21/14 12:17 PM)
Southwest VA