I remember well the first time I laid eyes on a Sebenza. It was soon after its introduction to the marketplace. Thought it was neat but resisted obtaining one, perhaps because I was young and didn't have the disposable income necessary for such an 'investment'. When the modified Wharncliff version (Insignio?) was offered by Knife Art several years back, I hinted to my family it would be the perfect Christmas gift for 'the man who has everything'.
Low & behold I received one for Christmas that year. It isn't hyperbole to say I think it's the finest folding knife available. I sure wish I had purchased one 25 years ago. But then, my knife collection wouldn't be as large as it is now.
My advice to anyone contemplating acquisition of one of these masterpieces; DON'T WAIT! Don't deprive yourself of an exquisite example of the cutlerers art.
Captain David Longenecker, CFI, CFEI
Fire Marshal, LCBF (retired) IAFF L-319
BSA Eagle Scout - Class of 1980
R.K.S. #1691; R.K.C.C. #CM83
N.R.A. Patron Life Member