A while back I was talking with a couple of other members, and we were discussing our faith. From that we decided to come up with a Christian Men's Knife. We put together the following knife. And now it is here for us to carry, and for others to see.
We decided on a Model 19 with the following specs for the following reasons. A 5" stainless steel blade because Jesus' life was stainless. All black spacers because as Christian men we feel sorrow for the agony that He went through on the cross for our salvation. An ironwood handle because in these times it takes an iron will to live a righteous life. Our sheath is basket weave to represent the crown of thorns on Jesus' head, and as you can see there is a cross on the sheath.
As one of my favorite hymns is Onward, Christian Soldier, we named this the Christian Soldier Knife. There are other men who have these knives and I'm sure they will be posting in the near future.
I personally feel the knife and sheath are fantastic.
Please see the photos below of my finished knife.