Thanks to all who have participated thus far. We've seen some beautiful examples of Randall-Made knives. I hope no one has tridecaphobia.

Randall Made Knives: The History of the Man and the Blades by Robert L. Gaddis, pp. 136-137
Interest in this unusual style of fighting knife was also attributable to The Iron Mistress movie. One of the action sequences involved a knife fight between James Bowie, played by Alan Ladd, and the barkeep of a rough-and-tumble frontier tavern. The barkeep pulled out a long straight-bladed, needle-pointed stiletto, which was referred to as an "Arkansas toothpick." Naturally, Jim Bowie and his famous knife won that battle also.
After receiving a few inquiries in the mail, Bo decided he should make up a similar style knife....
Bo called the Arkansas Toothpick the "Model 13," and for its standard style, he gave it the same lugged hilt and leather washer handle as the Model 12 bowies. The blade length, width, and shape have not varied from the first one to the present....
The Arkansas Toothpick has never been as popular as the large bowies are. In fact, the 12-inch style is seldom ordered these days. When Bo brought out a smaller version in the early 1960s, sales of the Model 13 greatly increased. This small toothpick had a 6-inch blade and made a good self-defense dagger or a mighty fine letter opener. Bo opened all of his mail with a special one made in the mid-1960s by the shop crew and presented to him as a gift.
Lady and gentlemen, may we please see some Model 13s?