I received this Model 8-4" from a widow, whose late husband was a friend of mine. I am helping to appraise her late husband's military & sporting gun collection, over 300+.

A friend of mine, who is a military collector appraised the WWI & WWII pieces and I appraised the sporting longguns and handguns. Never saw a dozen each, 03-A4's, Colt O.M.M. revolvers, & M1922 rifles in the same collection. Mind boggling, just looking at all the "Snake" guns from Colt.

We cannot find the Randall sheath that would be with it. The knife was scrimshawed by Rick Bowles, probably in the '80's. The signature block indicates "RB208".

Maybe we'll find the sheath when I do an extensive search through the box of Pumas, Bokers, and other Randalls.

The collection is anyone's dream find, especially the Model 8-4", since it was a gift of gratitude.


Edited by Buck Buchanan (07/07/16 10:21 PM)
Buck Buchanan, RKCC #CM-16, RKS #1003
Authorized Randall Dealer