Cap / James / Michael / Scott,
In my quest for clarity, the last thing I wanted to do was cast a pall over the amazing work that Wally has done. However, it seems that I may have done just that based on several of your posts. For that I humbly apologize. In thinking through this, there may be a way to put both sides on a winning track: My primary motive was trying to narrow down the timeframe that Bo gave the knife to The General. The Cap and Scott have taken the position that the marking was made by hand stamps, and I'm not going to further question this: I went through the markings on my early 60's Heiser sheaths, my Johnson BB sheaths and my Johnson baby dot sheaths. What I found was a confirmation of the research that was previously done pursuant to the identification of Johnson BB sheaths: Heiser used a
serif font while Johnson used a plain font on both BB and baby dot sheaths. Here are examples:
Heiser BB:
Johnson baby dot:
Johnson BB:
For comparison, here is the General's stamp:
It's apparent that the marking on my Johnson BB sheath (Or the General's sheath) doesn't align with any marking that Johnson was known to use!
Going back to Jack's comment:
The introduction of a model/length number stamp on Johnson sheaths occurred several months after the introduction of the baby-dot. This sheath is probably a case of the shop improvising an identification number to ID the sheath before Johnson began using ID stamps. The lack of an actual stamped set of numbers on this sheath still likely dates the sheath very precisely to early-mid 1963, say March-July. That would include the production dates between the introduction of the baby-dot (early-1963) and the introduction of model-length stamped numbers (mid-1963).........
It is very easy for me to believe that the shop marked some Johnson sheaths with a model and length number until Johnson got his stamps (By stamp or freehand - it doesn't matter for the intents or purposes of this discussion!).
I'm going to let this thing rest no matter what else is posted. And I am again going to apologize to all members for mucking this thread up.