My question would be how well do they hold up? I know he brazes guard to ricasso, but is it soft solder or hard?
Is the tang a tight fit against tube wall?
My impression any epoxy on others such as Randall being only a filler to prevent stuck objects down in bottom, and believe even shop said as much.
He also quotes a far harder blade and wonder if chipping on hard used knives.
Trouble seems to be very very little out there for actual user reviews.
I like his stuff, and believe Harry Savage makes his sheaths, or did, and I very much like Harry's built-forever work. But I know far more about the sheaths over the knives.
Edited by Lofty (08/27/16 05:42 PM)
Cadent a latere tuo mille, et decem millia a dextris tuis;
ad te autem non appropinquabit.