Neat setup Capt. Chris.
Five lights seems like a lot of wattage to me. Do you have much trouble avoiding reflection from the blade?

I've changed my set up since my previous post in this thread.
My old water and shock proof point and shoot Olympus got dropped once too often. I went and bough another (Olympus TG-4) but while I was in the shop got talked into buying an Olympus OM-D EM5 MkII as well. It overbalances my little Manfrotto tripod, so I dug out my dads old video camera tripod.

Now the new OM-D is only an 4/3 amateur camera but it has far too many controls for me and it takes so long for me to it get set right, that my smart phone and iPad light apps usually turn themselves off. Also I need the IPad to wirelessly control the camera. So a new lighting setup is required. It is not finalised yet but I know what will work.

I purchase a couple of LED cool while 50W flood globes and put them in desk lamps pointed up into two corners of the room. Kate wanted he desk lamps back so I borrowed a couple of cheap photo graphic soft boxes (same globes)until such time as I can find a couple of nice lamps I can leave in the room all the time.
My reflectors are old election advertising plastic signs and my backgrounds are vinyl floor tiles.

The knife photo was shot with the camera, lens, tripod and set-up listed below:
Camera: Olympus OM-D EM-5 MK. II (4/3 format digital SLR)
Lens: Olympus M.Zuiko OMD 12-40mm f2.8 PRO
Wirelessly tethered to IPad
Tripod: No Name
White balance: Auto
F-stop: f11
LIGHTS: 2 x 5300K Cree LED 50W reflected off ceiling in a dark room.
