My "Top 3" would consist of my 12-9 Sportsman's Bowie with the Model 14 blade profile and Model 25 handle. It is my "Outback" knife when I am at the ranch "Checking fences".

The next is a Model 26 that I have on order from the Captain. This one will be my "Day hiker/small game knife". I have ordered it with a brass hilt, buttcap and wrist thong hole. This is the Capt's pic.

The inspiration for the third knife came from one I saw here on the board that is owned by forum member "Cut it out". It is a Model 15 with a single brass rounded hilt, Border Patrol grip and thumb notches. This will be my main "Working" knife that I can use for hiking, camping, ranch running, etc. Mine was ordered from the Capt. with green micarta scales and a tan sheath. This pic belongs to "Cut it out".