My 3 would be my 5-6, the second custom ordered anything I ever had,my small gamblers, they're the right size to keep in the glove box, and the third, a plain Jane model 15, the first Randall I ever owned. Bought it in the mid eighties at a gunshop outside of Edwards airbase,(I was stationed at China Lake NWC).Carried it all thru the desert for my remaining enlistment. Came home to northern Michigan,met a girl,went to Lansing to meet some of her family,took the knife with me. Arrived Friday night,on Sunday morning, found the drivers vent window punched out(remember those?), door open, the only thing missing was my Randall. Owned it for about 8 years. Hope the SOB who stole it cut his fingers (or something else) off.Painfully.
Where ever you go, there you are