Alright, so I went ahead and tallied each mention of each variable, though I recognize that many of these mentions reflected different combos, counting each suggested combo would have spread the votes out too far. Instead, here is what I suggest from the averages.
Black & blue spacer theme (maybe with one or two white spacers?) along with a hippo tooth spacer tastefully accented with both copper and aluminum. Black had 4 votes, blue had 3; hippo had 5 (followed by 2 for walrus) and both aluminum and copper were mentioned 6 times where brass only twice.
Does anyone disagree? With what we're putting together thus far this is a truly knock-out combo.
I'll let vetos and/or suggestions ring over the weekend. Along with your comments, please start naming handle materials you want to see and we'll vote on the 3 most mentioned starting Monday.
Here's a shot of the color scheme and a few similar spacers we've done with black, blue, musk ox and aluminum.