No doubt the reports say that it was felt around, but this morning it doesn't look like there was even a stir in the neighborhood. Got a few texts this morning making sure we're alright, and I certainly appreciate you fellas checking in.
Living out here means constantly dealing with the reality that Yellowstone is ticking away to "hitting the refresh button on the local ecosystem". I hadn't realized until the article this morning just how accelerated the seismic activity is lately, but at the end of the day it could be a tsunami, a volcano, or a MF terrorist that's gonna knock you off, so ya just gotta live your life and love what you do with it!
Headed back out to the woods towards Helena this weekend, and soon thereafter I'll be trudging through the volcanos (er, mountains) with James and Becky up in Glacier NP!! BRING IT ON MOTHER NATURE YOU CAN'T STOP US!!!! Well, you could, but please don't....