I first ran across the Woodman's Pal (WP) when I was in Forestry school at Louisiana Tech in the early 60's. I bought one in 1967 when I went to Forestry Summer Camp at Corny Lake in North Louisiana. Me and my crew used that thing every day. Chopping, grubbing, hammering, and digging. Every night I would use a file and resharpen, oil, and ready for the next day. After graduation, I took a job with the Forest Service in Island Park, Idaho next to Yellowstone. Not as much brush there, so it didn't get used as much, but stayed in my pickup. Last year I sent it back to the factory and had it refurbished. New leathers, paint,etc. I will post pictures later. I gave each of my gradsons A WP when they turned 13 to add to their day pack. They make a smaller version for youngsters but it is just as handy and works fine as an adult user.
Edited by pappy19 (10/04/17 08:48 AM)
Mike Allen
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