
Interesting ideas for cams. I've got mine located on 2 doe runs. First is parallel and close to the creek I cross to my blind and about 70 yds away.
Second is a quartering run off a ridge. I'm in the middle of a big triangle. It took a few years to figure out where to place the cameras. Last year I had some really nice bucks and my friend got one I on the cam.
Like anything you do, time and effort pay off.
Way too warm this fall so far, nothing is moving. We could use a cold snap and sooner than later. Thank you for your reply.
BTW here's one of my favorites from last year. He's in the mock scrape, dripper overhead.
P.S. Date should be 10/23/16


Edited by W Polidori (10/24/17 08:03 PM)