With you on that Cajun!! Capt, you have a very good memory!! My dad picked it up in the late 70"s, I'm think'n. He was not doing much knife trading in the 80's and past. Another thing I find interesting, which I brought up in the prior post, was the etching, which states "SCOUT" I've seen two, maybe three knives got through the bay with that etching on them. All were different models... :-)Rocky
Wonder what's up with the etching... I guess it just catches my eye when I see it...maybe it's been the same knife a couple of times...that could be possible I assume that my dads knife was from the Atlanta area, however he was not the first owner I did ask about that(scout)etching in the thread a while back..no one responded about it. :-)Rocky
Hey all. I recently acquired a Randall. It was found literally in a pile of junk that was heading to the landfill. I cleaned it up and here are the pics (Attached). Any help dating the thing would be much appreciated. It had a lot of superficial dirt and mild corrosion but cleaned up pretty good. It also has a compass in the handle.
Thanks for the feedback. As with most of my other unusual possessions I plan on holding on to it. My brother inlaw actually found it and gifted it to me. He knew it was likely pretty valuable but he knew I would appreciate the gift and I do! I had never ordered a Randall mainly due to the wait times which have just gotten longer and longer. Sometimes good things come to those who procrastinate. Of course the knife is a display item only. I couldn't bear to use it and possibly damage it any more than the years of lying in waste have done to it. The sheath is intact without major damage but would not bear use. Thanks again. Jim
Ben, It was found on an old property that was condemned and purchased for redevelopment. Very little info on former tenents was available. I was a little interested in returning it to an original owner. But with the decades that have passed since the property was abandoned the trail is very cold and With the knife being made in the 1950's the original owner may be long gone and whoever had it last may not have appreciated a Randall for wht it is. Who knows. Jim