For my birthday, a friend gave me a Sunfish from Marbles. It's a modern Chinese production in the same factory as Rough Rider (and presumably Remington). The handle is the same length as the Buck 112, and the blade is the same, but it feels huge. Although not as huge as my 2 garden knives. But I do not use them, they are too dangerous, they easily fold with a strong click. I use more often Tina 615 10.5 and Kunde and Son 1E 10 1/2. This Sunfish cuts great. I sharpened it recently, on the big blade it's definitely 440A, on the small one 420, because it sharpens much easier. It also had a problem with closing the small blade - the corner of the tang was rough and scraped against the spring and did not close in 1 movement. Using a small ruby ​​file, I returned it to a round shape and now it closes smoothly.
And eventually it led to me going to an auction and wanting to try a real Sunfish. With the help of a friend in LA I bought this Camillus. It hasn't arrived yet, but the hallmarks show that it's between 1919 and 1946. If there's a 3-line hallmark on a large blade, then it's 1919-1932, if there's 4 lines, then it's 1933-1946 (I found it here
These are some seriously cool old knives!