Since nobody but DS and I want to play on this topic, will give a little more detail on the Hinderer, which is his "working finish".
My understanding is that it is accomplished via stone washing, then bead blasting (which is different than sand blasting, which they also do), then another stone washing.

Although I jokingly call it a high grade padlock finish, it is a very good finish for a user. a) It subdues glare/flare/flair, b) there is nothing to scratch off with use, c) signs of use blend right in, and best of all, d) it still a glazed surface and smooth to the hand and while cutting, especially in cutting, with no increase in drag caused by many finishes and treatments.

And also a short foray into what handle color to either buy or swap, they sell about everything, including small parts of many colors/materials.

As for small parts, originals are steel, and personally do not wish to weaken knife with titanium screws and nuts. The spacers only subject to compressive, vs shear and tension, loads were safe enough, and I like the fire-blued steel look missing from most modern goods, when formerly rather common on tools.

The handle color really only up to personal aesthetics, or how well one wants it to hide crud from use. But no work or mission reason to pick one over the other. Clipped anywhere, especially IWB, the color is against body and invisible. Laid down or dropped, a 50/50 chance it will be color side down, and invisible.

This last item is changing, if desired, as the shop has just started offering scales with clip positions at either end, as optional aftermarket accessory. Personally, I hate knives covered with drilled unused holes.

Edited by Lofty (05/01/18 07:34 PM)
Cadent a latere tuo mille, et decem millia a dextris tuis;
ad te autem non appropinquabit.