By way of closing out, any folder will offer less blade to handle ratio... MOST times, as yes, some fixed blades have gianormous handles, but, generally, in same length knives, a fixed blade gives more blade and less handle.
The below four are almost identical length, and are identical 3/16ths"+ thickness, the folder having an inch more handle and an inch less blade. But obviously more compact in carry mode.

In ultimate yield, the folder will fail before the fixed blade, on liner/integral/frame locks, the locking bar already prebent, and eventually will buckle at base. The fixed blade solid handle far stiffer than a hollow box.

All a matter of compromise and choices...circa 5" of blade and 4" of handle, or visa versa, more easily carried, yes/no, how strong does it have to be, anyhow....

For any questions on the fixed blades (preemptive, "yes, they are Winkler, blame DS"), will do a separate thread under proper topic heading in "fixed blades" in the next few days.
Sorry for blurred photos, literally too much coffee. Need MORE.