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Sure to!
Photos will not be, I now spend all these tests at night in the park, so as not to scare people during the day))
So let's start with the convenience, it is very individual, for me personally, the most convenient handle is at the CQC13, he has a hook behind him, like with sabers and swords, that is, it will not slip out of your hand anywhere, even if it is very slippery and stained.
Cutting food - all is very good.
Cutting wood - Emerson cuts the best, he has the narrowest thickness spine of the blade and straight bevels as on most tools for working with wood (Scandinavian knives), cuts very well. But none of them will defeat the little saw of victorinox or real ax.
Cutting rubber viscous materials - here no one can defeat a spyderco military or another knife with straight bevels from spine. Of these four, the easiest way is to use Emerson again.
Cutting fibrous materials - winner serrations blade, but you curse everything when it becomes blunt and it will be necessary to urgently make it sharp.
Retention of sharpness - first place Hinderer, I suspect that here is CPM 20CV or M390, he barely blunts; second place 440V (CPM S60V now); 3 place Chinook II with S30V, Emerson with 154CM last, but only of these four, in fact, this is one of the best heat processing options 154cm, it's head and shoulders above standard swiss knife.
Easy sharpening - naturally it's the other way around than in the point about preserving sharpness, but s60v sharpen easy, also s30v. I did not specifically use rare and expensive natural stones (japan water stones and arkansas/washita), only 3 simple stones - old double craftsman and norton fine india to clean wire edge after fine side of craftsman (craftsman like here photo, carborundum). Interesting observation - wire edge blade is the least formed on the Hinderer, the feeling that it is once formed, very quickly disappears on its own, i.e. falls off.
Structural strength - here is the first place Hinderer, the second chinook 1, 3 - chinook 2 (here inside the steel liners there are cutouts for lightening the mass, but it reduces the strength), 4 - cqc 13.
Lock - most easy to use Hinderer. Strongest in my opinion is still a back lock (or midlock? indifferently) on Spyderco. Emerson lock is the weakest point. On CQC13 castlelock is just raw titanium, it wears out very quickly from opening and closing and over time a small blade game appears + because of the radial sampling on the blade shank under load when picking liner goes along the shank, very close to the exit, I could not close it with blows, but there is no certainty, it's like walking on a very long suspension bridge that sways in the wind, but these are my personal troubles in head, for most people it will work fine.
Another observation - on the spider there is a free move of the rocker arm of lock, that is, when you cut, the blade rests against the lever and the lever with the blade rises a little, this is normal and does not affect the reliability. The most secure lock still Tri-Ad Lock on Cold Steel, new Spyderco Power Lock also good, but so far little test data.
As usual, there is no better, choose the one that you like and best suits for this task.
for most household and building tasks it, or his brother is still the best