"I'm ready to vote again". Boy-o-boy: Not wanting to hear that, being a Florida boy and suffering through another "bad-sport" election re-count! Ohh...Wait a minute! You mean vote on more cool stuff on this Stanaback Special, dontcha' Lori?
Fair enough: re-cap as follows:
* Stanaback Special
* Stainless steel
* 4 5/8 " blade length
* 1/4" blade stock
* TB
* Thumb notches
* Nickel silver single hilt
* Aluminum spacers
...............I will let the winner decide on red or black fibers to accompany the aluminum spacers
So...Crew: What else? Here's some options to think about:
* Handle shaping (or not)
* Wrist thong
* Compass
* Butt cap
* Butt plate
* Name plate
Let's hear your thoughts and thanks for your participation!
Stay sharp, Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member
WEBSITE: www.captstanaback.com