Registered: 09/19/05
Posts: 1432
Loc: East Tincup General Store,Colo...
I am constantly learning with the builds and on the forums. Even stuff I knew and have forgotten - comes with the aging process. Thanks for doing the builds, Captain! I want to Play B
David Loomis RKS# 724 RKCC# CM-061 Molon Labe
Registered: 09/14/05
Posts: 12926
Loc: Central Florida
OK Crew: Hunting season is upon us! (Thanks God) One of the knives we are going to "pick-n-chose" from will be a Hunting knife. Spring will have come (and probably gone) when this build is nearing completion so a fishing knife will be on the list. General usage is always one of my most sought-after RMKs so there's gonna' be one of those also. Last...and never least is a Randall, set up for use by those who go in harm's way: The military! That's the 4 categories I will have for you members to "pick-n-chose" from! ...More to come, Capt. Chris
Registered: 09/14/05
Posts: 12926
Loc: Central Florida
OK Crew, Before we vote on this, here are "4" choices for you to contemplate, debate & conjugate. A) Hunter- RMK Model #4's B) Fisherman- RMK's Model #10's C) General- Stanaback Specials D) Military- Model #4-6-"F" Let's hear from any &/or all of you on your thoughts. Thanks, Capt. Chris