Capt. Chris—

I think you are enjoying this! Toying with us. Sheer cheekiness.

For me, it is a no-brainer at the front end of the handle: B: Brass Double Lugged Hilt.

Then it gets “ify” because…

A blade this big deserves handle furniture to balance out the eye appeal.

I can visualize two setups:

On one hand, the idea of a brass collar at the front end would contribute to the look, and that would require a balancing act on the butt end with a flanged butt cap.

If one is to be scalloped, then they both should be.

BUT (you see, I am using your favorite word here), you have seen the wood, and it must be spectacular—and it might not do the wood justice to take too much off each end of the handle merely to accommodate more brass.

So, on the other hand, of the spacer colors that can be had, are there any that would complement the wood, perhaps alternated with brass spacers? And could that be done so as to keep a flanged butt cap?

Larry W. Williams
RKCC #CM-041
ABKA #046
RKS #1246