A few tweaks here & there and Willem came through!
Let me introduce the Fish'n Frank Model #2.
It features a thicker, contoured handle that feels really good in my hand. With the thicker handle, flipping the knife over from scaler to gutter is much easier! The bolsters are roughed up to keep a sure grip vs. the slippery fish slime. The extra couple of notches on the spine allow better access for the hard to get to places on the fish.
Like the first, this knife is a Lockback in Purple C-tek with Stainless liners and bolsters. The 1/8" blade on this knife is RWL-34 whereas the first was N680.
I project that this knife will be the "ULTIMATE WEAPON" for scaling & gutting Bream and Crappie.





"Filet that fish? Hell naw! I'll scale him, gut him, fry him up in grease, take him by the head and tail, and play him like a French Harp!" - Uncle Paul sometime in the 60s.