One of my Blalock cousins is graduating from Texas Tech in May. He has made it through Tech in 3 years through Scholarships, Grants, and working his butt off!!!
He was our 2018 Valedictorian.
He has helped me immensely out here on the Place while both in High School and during holidays in College.
On Big jobs, like constructing my Vineyard, he would recruit his buddies to help AND go pick them up and bring them out here to work.
He will go on to Bigger things but I got him something to take with him. The 1/5" thick blade should last him a lifetime!
Willem O'Kelly worked with me on this one. 4' Frank, N690 Blade, Black Micarta Scales, Brass Liners, and in keeping with Texas Tech colors, a thin, RED slice between the Brass and the Black.
I'm sorry for the terrible pictures but this one is a BEAUTY!!!



"Filet that fish? Hell naw! I'll scale him, gut him, fry him up in grease, take him by the head and tail, and play him like a French Harp!" - Uncle Paul sometime in the 60s.