I can’t add one here under “HANDGUNS” without including the one that truly took my own hand loading to another level AND put me into the woods as a serious handgun hunter for the last 30+ years.
I’m certain that the reason that I purchased this particular S&W was directly related to my purchase of the Speer Reloader Manual, #12 and the pictures & story by Layne Simpson re: Alaska caribou (&/or moose) hunting. That and the 7 weeks too early birth of my first born daughter who arrived along with the knowledge that not only would I need to unpack the truck for my 4 week mobile camp, early bow & black powder season adventure. And instead plan to spend lots more time closer to home for the very premie first child adventure.
This particular S&W 629 has only fired my hand loads…..EVER. And the same 44 Mag load goes into my Marlin lever action, Ruger (first made) semiauto, Ruger Flat Top single six, and TC Contender. One of the many nice things about carrying both the lever action rifle and six gun in the late 1800’s (& now) was being able to load and carry the same caliber. Of course one can load different weight/powder rounds but “Why?”…… unless there’s good reason.

Southwest VA