Very nice shooting there Rod. I take it that's not a from-the-factory 10/22 there.
I bought a Leupold VX-Freedom Rimfire (2-7x33) and installed it on the CZ 452 "Military Trainer". I had to remove the rear sight, mounted on the barrel, so that I could keep the scope low and scoot it forward enough to see through.
I haven't sighted it in yet. Life has been keeping me busy for May-June-July, hoping for a break next week so that I can slip away on Friday and abuse some paper targets.
I have a 10/22 from the 80s that my wife's father owned. I was swabbing the bore on it shortly after getting it and noticed a particularly tight spot midway down the bore. I took one of my "decent precision" drill rods and ran it down the bore and it stopped right at the dovetail for the rear sight.
The boneheads pinched the bore when dovetailing for the rear sight. I haven't touched it since. If I get started on replacing parts, I'm gonna end up a 10/22 receiver+bolt shy of a whole new rifle. Whole lotta work when I can just buy a new receiver/bolt and build fresh. I'll save that for whenever I decide I'd rather shoot a 10/22 instead of the CZs.
Also, if the youngest step-son extracts his head from his fifth-point-of-contact, the 10/22 is his rifle. If.