Different topic -- I have seen on Clinton Specials what looks to me to be a reduced flange butt cap. Is that what this is and, if so, is it available on other knives? Here's a picture that shows what I'm talking about (picture stolen from Eric on another thread). Thanks.
Jim E.
“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra
I own a Model 16 Diver with waxed sheath. Is it possible for me to purchase the Randall nylon sheath for it as well? Can I simply order one from Randall or do I have to send my knife to them for confirmation? Thanks.
If you've previously answered this question, I apologize for the repeat, but I did not turn it up in a site search.
Bob Carlin rfcarlin@hotmail.com RKCC #622