He's a veritable smorgasbord, an overflowing cornucopia, of all things RMK ... our "Alex Trebek" of Randall knowledge. Let's make it a true daily double Captain... was a lugged nickel silver hilt ever an option?
Registered: 09/14/05
Posts: 12930
Loc: Central Florida
Truthfully: I have one in my "Stash" and I have seen "2" others...Total! That is in the officially "rare" category! Best, Capt. Chris PS: As soon as I put the "KNIFE KNEWS" to bed and get back from Tulsa (after Thanksgiving, most probably) I'll post some photos...CCS
Wally, Somebody correct me if I'm wrong please, but I believe there was a 12-9 / 14 with nickel silver lugged hilt at a shop sale couple of years back. I was not there, but seems I remember hearing about it. The "hidden treasure" of being present at a shop sale. And again, iirc the first numbers chosen passed on it ????
Yes, there have been one or two available in the spring sales...not entirely sure which ones they were though I believe they were Ivory and NS lugged hilt 12-11 Smithsonian's...