Wayne, from a website when I looked up "German shepherd vs coyote"

The primary similarity of German Shepherd Dogs and coyotes is that they both belonged in the dog lineage or Canidae family. Both of them are noticeably look like a wolf. German Shepherd Dog is considered as the closest dog breed to coyote as far as appearance is concerned

Again, I'm not existing this guy. Mistaken identity?? Possible, but I do question how likely using a crossbow with, I'm assuming, a scope.

Yessir, positively ID your target. I know I have passed on many, many animals because of that shadow of a doubt. Usually because of what's beyond.

I wholeheartedly agree, leniency is a huge problem. But as Rocky said, we seen to be more upset about animals than humans

The media will, without a doubt in my mind, turn this against hunters just like they do fun owners. The actions of a few....