Rare stuff goin' on here! NICE! Speaking of "rare"? One of 4 ever made with RMK blade stamp, as best anyone can account for, to include GTR, Jason, etc.
"Dusty" sold me his at the Orlando Gun & Knife Show (Fairgrounds) 20 years ago. He worked with Maurice Johnson. Hope it's interesting to all y'all.
Stay Sharp, Capt. Chris
PS: More photo problems...CCS

------Cap's ULU (Leather Knife) 001.jpg

------Cap's ULU (Leather knife) 002.jpg

------Cap's ULU (Leather Knife) 003.jpg

------Cap's ULU (Leather Knife) 004.jpg

------Cap's ULU (Leather Knife) 006.jpg

Edited by Captain Chris Stanaback (06/26/23 09:21 AM)
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member
WEBSITE: www.captstanaback.com