Apologies for not providing photos...but I couldn't find 'em on my "Puter". I had "no problem" finding the TB however...and here's the photos: I added thumb notches, wrist thong and etching (name) to, what was at the time, the "TRAILBLAZER". A little "experienced" is this one. Is was not until a very...."VERY"...short time later that the TB was given the number "27", due in part to it's immediate acceptance...and a new printing of the shop's catalog getting made at the same time.
Stay Sharp,
Capt. Chris
PS: I did not get to "pick out" this stag..."BUT"...had I had the opportunity, I'dve chosen this exact piece! Notice the right hand curvature...CCS

------Captain Chris' TB-A.JPG

------Captain Chris' TB-B.JPG

------Captain Chris' TB-C.JPG

------Captain Chris' TB-D.JPG

Edited by Captain Chris Stanaback (10/27/23 06:47 PM)
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member
WEBSITE: www.captstanaback.com