Love that money meme!

A jetliner takes off from Heathrow Airport outside of London and climbs to cruising altitude. It levels off and the intercom comes on, "This is your Captain ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank you for flying Luthansa from London to New York. We're cruising at an altitude of 28,000 feet at an airspeed of 475 knots. The weather in New York is expected OH MY GOD!!!"

Immediate quiet fills the cabin, everyone fears to take a breath. Within a minute the intercom resumes, "Folks I'm terribly sorry about the interruption. An attendant was bringing my coffee and spilled it on my lap. You should see the front of my pants!"

Without missing a beat, the voice of an old Scotsman spoke from the rear of the cabin, "Yeah, should see the back o' my pants!"
Jim Frye
Des Moines, Iowa

U.S. Army
-White Sands