Hi, my main question was why these pest are not hunted as varmints and eradicated. I met the chef from the now closed "Cafe Bohemia" in Chicago. They were noted for game and "exotic game" dishes. He told me he had special dinners that he ran and had recently served bear. He told me that the participants thought they were being served prime rib. I have eaten things like squid, octopus and snails that some people would not touch with a barge pole. I think it's cultural as some of my older relatives would eat lambs inners and pig trotters. The only game I have eaten was Deer and Rabbit. Maybe feral pigs can be turned into dog food; just a thought, regards, Mike
“The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.”
Benjamin Franklin

Mike C
RKCC No. 825