A couple of days ago the unexpected happened. About 1.5 weeks ago, a friend gave me a Fox Vulpis pocket knife with M390. I used it and it finally got dull. Moreover, he became dull at a fairly simple task - sharpening a bunch of pencils for a friend's children while I was visiting him. Lol. At first I tried Arkansas, since the dullness was slight - it had the opposite effect, it stopped cutting altogether. I tried a ceramic triangular rod from Lansky - no effect. I went to Norton Crystalon Fine, he sharpened it, but the edge was rough. I switched to Fine India, the results got better, then I switched to Arkansas and again the knife stopped cutting and became very dull. That is, it seems to be sharp, but if you need to cut something like vegetables or meat, then it slides along the surface. An internet search brought me to this site. A guy with an electron microscope sharpens knives and looks at what influences sharpness and subsequent dullness. Perhaps this will be interesting to someone:


After reading everything and thinking, I came to the conclusion that this steel is hardened very hard and dull due to the fact that when moving from India to Arkansas, I cannot maintain an even angle and lateral pressure spoils the base of the cutting edge and it falls off already in the process sharpening. As a result, I again came to what the Captain described at the very beginning - need to keep a constant angle grin

Then I took Fine India again, a black marker, so I could see where the metal was being removed, and sharpened the knife, trying to do it with very little pressure. As a result, the knife is very sharp. I don't see the point in switching to smaller stones. If I had a Norton 313 in the first place, I would have saved a lot of time

Along the way, I also bought a rather unusual diamond plate; it is made of bronze or brass and the diamond is distributed inside it evenly throughout its entire volume. It sharpens somewhat rougher than India, very similar to Crystalon Fine. Together they are a great couple



Si vis pacem, para bellum