Comment about accuracy of slugs...

I once bought a Winchester Model 1400 and put a scope on it to shoot slugs because that was all that was allowed to hunt deer at that time and place.

The lockup of the barrel to the receiver was sound, and did not vary due to recoil etc.

The scope was mounted on the receiver.

The barrel was quite long...probably best for waterfowl.

From a bench, and shooting standard Remington slugs, this gun would put them in a 5- or 6-inch group at 100 yards.

The longest shot I took was paced off at 140 paces after the deer was down.

But for that shot I held the crosshairs even with the back in line with the heart for the forth shot, and the slug landed in the heart.

Why the fourth shot?

I was sitting near the top of a ridge and the deer was running along a tree line at the opposite side of the bowl I was watching. The first and second shots hit the ground behind him. He paused to try and see where the noise was coming from.

When he stopped, I saw the third shot go low and hit the ground just below his chest.

So, the adjustment in elevation put meat on the table.

Larry W. Williams
RKCC #CM-041
ABKA #046
RKS #1246